How To Take Care Of Money Plants

Pratik pardeshi

There are currently over 391,000 vascular plant species known to science. Of these, around 369,000 species, or 94%, are flowering plants, according to reports shared by the UK's Royal Botanic Gardens.There are plants that require a lot of care, such as lilies and citrus plants, while others require minimal care to thrive. Money plant, also known as Epipremnum aureum, is one of those low-maintenance plants. Money plant doesn't need a lot of care at all, from sunlight to water.

  • Here are some facts about money plants: 
  • Money plants are native to the island of Mo'orea, French Polynesia. 
  • The common names of money plants are: Golden Pothos Ceylon Creeper Ivy Arum Silver Vine Taro Vine Solomon Islands Ivy 
  • Money plants are common houseplants in temperate and tropical, as well as sub-tropical areas of the world, such as Australia, South Asia and Southeast Asia. 
  • One of the interesting things about money plants is that they are known to attract wealth and increase good luck.
  • The five leaves of money plants represent the elements of nature: Fire Water Air Metals Wood

  • The Money Plant Care Guide- When to plant the Money Plant in Soil:

Taking care of money plants is a breeze. They can grow up to 12 feet tall if given the right care, and around 7 feet if not. It's a great plant for those just starting out in gardening. 

Money plants need well-drained soil, so you can mix some river sand with regular potting soil. The sand will provide great aeration and drainage, so the plant will thrive. You can also use potting soil with a high content of pearlite, which is also great for money plants.

Money plant is an odd plant because it can grow well on water or under water. Under water would be fine but over water can kill the plant. Watering once in 7-10 days is ideal for summer because the soil will dry up between 2 watering sessions. However, again, you can't leave the gap long enough for the soil to start cracking. So, touch the top soil and feel how dry it is and decide when you should water again. There should also be no water blockage. During winter, you can only mist the leaves and you can do thorough watering once every 2-3 weeks.

You can grow money plants in direct sunlight in your garden, indoor space, or in low light conditions. Money plants grow best in partially sunny and partially shaded areas. Money plants can withstand high levels of sunlight, but you need to keep in mind that burning sunlight will burn your money plant leaves. Therefore, choosing a shady yet bright spot in lawns, terraces, gardens, or indoor areas would be ideal for money plant care.

You can apply some fertilizer to money plants by watering them once a month, but make sure you read the manufacturer's instructions and only apply the recommended amount. Another thing to keep in mind is that you should only apply fertilizer in the evening, as it can burn your roots during the day. In winter, you should avoid using fertilizer.

The size of your pot is always determined by the size of your plants. Heavy or large pots are recommended because your plant will grow in the future and will need to be repotted. Small pots will also restrict your plant's growth.

  • The Money Plant Care Guide- When the Money Plant Grows In Water:
Many people like to keep their money plants in a water bottle and keep it close to the window where they climb up beautifully. In this case, the money plants care instructions would differ.

  • At least one node should be kept below the level of the water for proper growth

  • You can fold the branch within the water to include more nodes in the water to encourage root growth at all nodes

  • Keep the money plant container close to sunlight to encourage growth

  • The water level must be changed weekly without fail. 

  • In order to keep the water level constant, water is often added. 

  • When the money plant grows in water, fertilizers are not needed.

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