The 11 best air purifying plants for the home.

Pratik pardeshi

The most effective air purifying plants for the home are listed below.

If you are looking for the best home air purifying plants, then you have come to the right place. In this post, we are going to share with you the best house air purifying plants that you can keep in your home that will significantly improve the air quality in your home.

The 11 best air purifying plants for the home.

Why is it so important to cleanse the air inside your house?

If you keep your windows shut for long periods of time, use harsh cleaners, and use chemicals on modern stuff like clothes and furniture, it can really mess with your home's air quality.

When you breathe in polluted air, you can experience things like:

  • Asthma
  • Headaches
  • Sneezing
  • Respiratory problems
  • Fatigue
  • Watery eyes

Fortunately, there are a few easy steps you can take to improve indoor air quality, and one of the best ways to combat indoor air pollution is through plants.

In this post, we’ll discuss which plants are particularly effective at clearing the air of harmful pollutants, the advantages of having plants in your home, and Do what you can to make your home's air quality better.

Benefits of keeping plants in the home 

  • They help maintain a healthy air quality and some even increase oxygen levels.

  • Plants are good for your mood

  • Plants make you more productive.

  • Helping you focus and remember things better

  • Plants are great for relieving stress!

  • Plants are great for getting rid of tiredness!

1 – Snake Plant

The 11 best air purifying plants for the home.
Snake Plant

This succulent is very easy to take care of and makes a great bedroom plant.

 While most plants release carbon dioxide during the night, the snake plant does not. The snake plant releases oxygen during the night, making it the ideal plant for your bedside table. Oxygen during the night can improve your breathing and sleep quality.

 If that wasn’t enough, the plant is also great at removing pollutants from the atmosphere and converting them into oxygen.

Watering Tips: The snake plant is susceptible to root rot, so do not water it too much. Water only when the ground is dry. Let the soil completely dry before applying water.

Toxic warning This plant is not safe for pets or children.

2 – Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Another succulent to add to the list is Aloe Vera. Not only does this plant help clear the air of pollutants found in cleaning products like detergents or floor varnishes, but it is also a plant that every home should have due to its health and healing properties!

This plant is easy to grow and doesn't need a lot of water. It's best grown in sunny areas.

Watering Tips Aloe vera should be watered approximately every 2 to 3 weeks depending on your home’s temperature, location and humidity. The best way to water your plants is by giving them a good soaking and then letting the soil dry out to a point where it’s almost dry.

Toxic No

3 – Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen

Tropical Asian Evergreen is another plant that can help purify the air in your home. Unlike the other two plants on this list, Chinese evergreen requires a bit more maintenance, but it’s worth it because this plant can eliminate many of the common toxins we breathe into our homes. 

The plant grows best in well-humid environments and should be kept in the bathroom, away from pets.

Watering Tips Keep the soil moist. This plant loves moisture and will not tolerate dry soil. Regular misting of the plant is also possible.

ToxicToxic to pets.

4 – Chrysanthemum aka Mums

Chrysanthemum aka Mums 

These beautiful and vibrant flowers are potent air cleaners. The flowers are what actually remove the toxins from the air, so you'll need to change them every 6 weeks or so.

 They thrive in bright sunlight, so a kitchen window is the perfect spot for them. Keep them away from cats and dogs, as mothers are poisonous to both species.

Watering tips Be sure to keep the soil moist and add water as soon as the soil begins to dry

Toxic Toxic to pets.

5 – Barberton Daisy

Barberton Daisy

These beautiful flowers are available in a wide range of colours and are an excellent way to add color to your home. They are also excellent at removing toxins from the environment. These plants should be planted in a sunny spot and in soil that is well-drained.


Watering tips When to water, and how to water


6 – Spider Plant

Spider Plant

This hardy plant is ideal for those who don’t have green fingers. This easy-to-care-for plant is excellent at eliminating toxins and CO2 and is safe for children and pets. This safe, easy-to-treat plant looks great in hanging baskets. It sometimes produces white flowers.

Watering tips The recommended frequency of water usage is two to three times per week.


7 – Broad Lady Palm

Broad Lady Palm

These moisture-loving plants are not only good at eliminating toxins from the air, but they also help to reduce ammonia levels. The bathroom is a great spot for this plant since it thrives in moisture.

Watering tips The first time to water is when the soil top 1 inch is dry.


8 – Dracaenas 


These large slow-growing annuals are easy to take care of, making them ideal for beginners. Not only will they look great in your home, but they also help to cleanse the air of a variety of toxins. Be careful not to overwater this plant, as they don't like their roots to be over-soaked.

Watering tips Water the soil as much as you need, but don't soak it in.

ToxicToxic to pets

9 – English Ivy

English Ivy

This plant is great for hanging in the bathroom because it gets rid of toxins, CO2 and even fecal matter. Just keep it away from pets and if you have sensitive skin, try not to touch any of the sap from this plant as it can irritate it. Don't forget to keep him hydrated!

Watering tips It is important to ensure that the plant is properly hydrated.

ToxicYes to pets May irritate sensitive skin Yes to pets may irritate sensitive skin

10 – Peace Lilies

Peace Lilies

Peace lilies are also one of the best plants to remove toxins and ammonia from your home. Peace lilies bloom beautifully and look stunning in any room. Peace lilies are relatively easy to care for when it comes to light. Make sure you don’t give them too little light or they won’t bloom properly.

Watering tipsKeep soil moist but not oversaturated.

 ToxicSay yes to pets and people!

11 – Weeping Fig

Weeping Fig

 It is one of the most popular house plants in the world. It is used to clean the air in the house. However, they do not like to be changed. Therefore, you need to be careful where you plant it in your house. If you plant it in a sunny place where there are no drafts, it will grow well.

Watering tips Plant in well draining soil and water only when the bottom 2 inches of soil is dry.

 Toxic The sap of this plant is mild in toxicity to animals and humans.

Other Ways To Purify The Home

While house plants are an excellent way to increase happiness, clean the air, and brighten your home, there are other ways to increase your home’s air quality.

Opening the windows :

 This may seem like a no-brainer, but it's surprising how many of us don't ventilate our homes at least once a day. Open your windows for at least an hour each day to let the stale air out and fill your home with fresh oxygen.

Salt Lamp

 Another way is to use Himalayan Salt lamps such as this one to keep the air clean and full of negative ions.

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