ZZ Plant Growth Rate (And How To Make It Grow Faster)

Pratik pardeshi

ZZ Plant Growth Rate (And How To Make It Grow Faster)

ZZ plants are one of the most popular houseplants in the world. They have beautiful, glossy leaves and attractive upright stems. They’re easy to take care of, tolerant of neglect, and grow quickly. They can also become large and impressive plants. In this article, we’re going to cover all about the growth rate and size of ZZ plants, as well as how to make your ZZ plant grow to its fullest potential.

The average number of new stems per growing season is 1-3. New stems typically grow 6 to 12 inches per month, and can reach up to 3-5 feet in height in a single growing season. ZZ plants generally spread horizontally by 1-2 inches per year, and rarely exceed 2 feet diameter.

How Fast Do ZZ Plants Grow?

New shoots grow up to 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) each month, reaching a maximum height of 5 feet (0.9 meters) depending on your growing conditions. New shoots typically grow 6 to 8 new stems per growing season. ZZ plants grow well from early spring through to late summer, but they tend to slow down as the year goes on and generally stop growing in the winter.

If your plant is growing new shoots, it’s a good sign that it’s satisfied with the treatment it’s receiving, so if it hasn’t sprouted in a while, you’ll want to make sure it’s getting everything it needs.

An underground rhizome is the modified stem that grows underground under the soil. The rhizome develops new stems that grow upward, and new roots that grow down from the rhizome. This rhizome develops slowly over time.

New stems grow very close to each other, so even a fully rooted plant can grow new stems out of the gaps between existing leaves.

What Size Are ZZ Plants?

There are different sizes of ZZ plants. The average size of a ZZ plant is about 1 to 2 feet (30 to 61 cm) tall and usually sold in a 6 to 8 inch pot. The smallest ZZ plant can be as small as 6 to 8 inches (20 to 30 cm) tall with only 1 to 2 stems and are usually sold in 4 inches (10 cm) pots. On the other hand, larger ZZ plants can grow up to 3-5 feet (11 to 18 cm) tall and can easily fill a pot of 8 to 12 inches.

Here are the main data points of my big ZZ plant as shown below. The scale shows the minimum and maximum dimensions of my plant.

Stem height: 3-4 feet (91-122 cm)

Leaf length: 3-5 inches (7.6-12.7 cm)

Leaf width: 2-3 inches (5-7.6 cm)

Stem width: 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm)

Pot diameter: 8 inches (20.3 cm)


How long does it take for a ZZ plant to grow?

A typical ZZ plant grows from a 1 to 2 stem plant over a period of 3 to 5 years. It typically produces 6 to 8 new stems annually and spreads outwards about an inch per year. The growth rate of ZZ plants is highly dependent on the amount of light, water and nutrients they receive, as well as whether or not they experience any issues with their care.

What Is The ZZ Plant Growing Season?

Lighting plays a big role in the length of the ZZ plant's growing season. If you live in a temperate climate, your ZZ plant will begin to grow in early spring and will continue to do so until mid-fall. In tropical areas, your ZZ plants will grow throughout the year.

Typically, the first sign that a new growing season has begun is the emergence of a new shoot from beneath the rhizome.

How to grow a ZZ plant faster

You can increase the amount of light, keep the temperature at the upper limit of the recommended range, avoid under or over watering, and make sure the plant is getting enough nutrients. You can also reduce plant stressors like low humidity, draughts, pests, disease, etc.

In the next section, we’ll cover some of the most important things you can do to speed up the growth of your ZZ plant.

Adequate light

The ZZ plant is often mistaken for being a low-light plant. However, this is only partially correct. While ZZ plants are able to survive in low light for a long time, they won’t develop new growth or survive without proper light.

ZZ plants grow best in direct, indirect light, but can tolerate 1 to 2 hours of direct light in the morning or afternoon.

Lighting varies from room to room, and decreases significantly as a plant moves closer to the window. It also varies with the weather and season.

A light meter app is a light meter app that you can download on your smartphone. You can download the light meter app from Google Play or the Apple store. I use a light meter on my phone to tell me if I should move the ZZ plant into a more or less bright position.

Watering ZZ Plants For Best Growth

While ZZ plants are known for their ability to tolerate drought, they do not grow as fast and tend to develop smaller stems and leaves under poor conditions.

Don’t water too much. ZZ plants are relatively susceptible to root rot. Root rot stops all growth and can cause your plant to die. Once the top half of your ZZ plant’s soil feels dry, water thoroughly. Allow the pot to drain thoroughly before moving your plant back to its normal position.

Fertilizing ZZ Plants To Maximize Growth

ZZ plants grow at a faster rate when they’re given enough nutrients. Whether you’re adding compost to your plant’s pot or using fertilizer every couple of months, this has a big effect on growth.

However, be aware that too much fertilizer can weaken the roots and can even impede or inhibit growth. I usually use supplemental water soluble synthetic fertilizer every 2 months throughout the growing season at 50% of the recommended concentration.

Why Is My ZZ Plant Not Growing?

When ZZ plants don't grow, it's usually because the conditions aren't right for them to grow or they're stressed out by bad care. The most common things that can cause ZZ plants to stop growing are bad lighting, too much water, and being under water.

If your zebra fish plant isn't growing and you don't think it's because of the lighting or watering, make sure to look for any other issues that might be holding it back.

Make sure your plant is not rootbound – Once your ZZ plant's roots fill up the pot, it's getting harder and harder for it to grow. If you start to see roots popping out of the drainage holes, it might be a good idea to repot in a bigger pot.

Check your plant carefully for any signs of pests or disease – If you find any problems with pests or diseases, treat them right away. Also, make sure to keep your plant away from any other plants if you do find any problems.

Ensure your ZZ plant is not being exposed to temperature stress – If you want your ZZ plant to do well, it's best to keep it at a temperature between 55 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 29 degrees Celsius). Anything outside of this range can cause problems, like hot or cold drafts from windows, vents, or even heating appliances.

Are ZZ Plants Easy To Grow?

If you're looking for a houseplant that's easy to care for, ZZ plants are the way to go! They're super easy to grow, and they don't mind being watered too much. The only thing you need to do to keep them healthy is make sure they get enough sunlight and stay away from too much water. While not all ZZ plants grow at the same rate, they're much easier to take care of than some other plants.

How To Make A ZZ Plant Bushy

If you want your ZZ plant to get bushy, you need to make sure it's getting enough sunlight and that it's been given the right basic care. Bushy ZZ plants will produce lots of new stems if they're given good conditions, and you want to make sure you're giving them the right number and size.

This is another reason why it's important to take good care of your ZZ plant. If it's stressed or unhappy, it can shed leaves, making it look less tall and healthy.

ZZ Plant New Growth Dying

If your ZZ plant's new growth looks like it's dying, it's probably because it's been overwatered. Too much water can cause the lower leaves to turn yellow and the tips of the new growth to turn brown. But if that's not the case, your plant could be under some other kind of stress.

Examine the plant closely for other signs, and take note of the recent conditions of the plant as they are likely to be indicative of the source of the issue.

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